Thursday, May 18, 2006

More news from the asylum

When we moved to the new building, we got fairly expansive cubicle-style work spaces -- much more space than I need. To keep my desk from being totally empty and sterile, I got a pathetic little plant.

Sometimes a random action figure or bobblehead will appear:

And I printed out a couple of 8X10s and stuck them in $1 frames. I rotated them every couple of months. This being Sports and me being me, I started with this shot of Chris Perry:

Then there was this nice Ivan Rodriguez photo:

But then I went with this famous picture of Cristie Kerr after she won the LPGA's Longs Drugs Challenge.

It's a funny picture, but it has extra resonance for us in the office because we actually know Cristie. Or at least one guy, who played high school golf against her in Miami, knows her. By default, that makes her our favorite women's golfer.

Can you see where this is going? Yes, a couple of months later, out of the blue, I get called in and informed that there has been a complaint. The photo "creates a hostile environment," and it has to go.

Look, I don't really object in principle. Even though it's obviously a joke picture, I understand how it could be viewed as borderline (by a humorless idiot). What bothers me is: 1) This is a management team that does nothing about plagiarists and thieves on staff but got right on my ass about this; 2) They wouldn't tell me who dimed, which makes it feel like a suspiciously chickenshit move; but mainly 3) This picture was never displayed in an in-your-face manner. Partly intentionally, you almost had to be sitting in my chair to see it. It's in the corner, well hidden behind the monitor and not visible to a passerby:

The point being, someone really had to go to some effort to 1) see it, then 2) take offense, then 3) take time out of their day to go bitch about it. Fucking loser.

In the end, it's a picture of a golfer with a golf trophy. Because I can never take this kind of shit without resorting to bitter, obnoxious sarcasm, I immediately replaced it with a picture of our beloved Cristie with a more acceptable trophy:

And I vandalized my own nameplate a little bit.

Right now my only regret is that I didn't quite have the onions to use this picture.

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