Monday, May 14, 2007

They had them by the register. I'm not made of stone.

Honestly, how big a loser geek do you have to be to blow three bucks on these mints?

I'd like to think that I'm only just barely over that line, and not way, way beyond it. I'd like to.

I'm no Gandalf

But I'm getting better with the smoke rings. And I like the way they photograph.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Who's the asshole here?

The scene: I'm at Walgreens buying dried cranberries, a cream soda and a small tin Spider-Man lunch box (impulse buy). A very attractive woman in a hurry and a short skirt -- the type who probably is used to guys being awfully happy to help her out -- taps me on the shoulder and says, "Can I go ahead of you? I only have one thing."

I say, "I've got three," and turn my back. I can't deny enjoying the annoyed noise I heard behind me.